Children with Disability – Child Safe Policy

This policy statement states that we want children who participate in our programs to have a safe and joyful experience.

Newidafe supports and respects children, their families, and our workers.

This Policy is intended to guide workers on how to act appropriately when interacting and engaging with children at Newidafe. The policy focuses on how we can build and maintain a child safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes childrens participation.

Our Policy details are:

1. Policy Statement

We want children who participate in our programs to have a safe and happy experience. We support and respect our children, their families, and our workers.

2. Introduction

Our policy guides workers (paid and volunteer) on how to behave when interacting and engaging with children in our organisation. The policy focuses on how we can build and maintain a child safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes children’s participation.

This policy reflects our commitment to:

  • The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
  • The Commonwealth Child Safe Framework
  • Newidafe Inc’s legal obligation in relation to activities involving working with children and young people.

All Newidafe workers employed to work with children will be required to have a current WWCC with any new staff required to have a WWCC as a condition of employment from the date this policy is ratified.

3. Children’s Participation

Our organisation supports the active participation of children in the programs, activities, and services we offer.

We provide a range of ways to allow children and their families to provide feedback or raise concerns. We listen to their views, respect what they say and involve them when we make decisions, especially about matters that will directly affect them.

Newidafe Inc is committed to all the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. The key principles for this policy are:

  • All children and young people are valued and treated fairly, regardless of ethnicity, culture, sex, gender, social, economic, religion and ability.
  • Ensuring children and young people are listened to and any concerns that they or their families raise are acted upon.
  • Ensuring that children and young people involved in activities and programs know what they can do if they feel unsafe.
  • Ensuring that children, young persons, and their families know their rights and how to access the complaints procedures available to them.

3. Recruitment

Newidafe Inc. is registered with the Office of the Children’s Guardian and NDIS. Newidafe Inc. maintains a rigorous and consistent recruitment, screening, and selection process, requiring all staff and volunteers working with children to have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC) before they commence working with children.

We are committed to ensuring:

  • all staff and volunteers understand their obligations ensure a safe environment for children and young people.
  • all staff and volunteers who work with children or young people understand their obligation to have and maintain a positive National Police Check/Worker Screening Check and WWCC so they can work with children.
  • all staff and volunteers who work with children or young people understand their shared responsibility to:
    • comply with this policy;
    • maintain their WWCC;
    • adhere to all Child Protection behaviours, including to report to Newidafe Inc., behaviour that they reasonably suspect or believe that a child or young person has been or is being abused or harmed by any person so that Newidafe Inc. can determine whether the matter needs to be referred to the law enforcement agencies.

All new workers will receive a copy of the Child Safe Policy, Code of Conduct, and our Complaint’s Policy

4. Complaints Management and Reporting

All staff, affiliates and volunteers who work with children and young people are required by law to report suspected child abuse and harm.

If a staff member or volunteer has a reasonable suspicion or belief, arising from any Newidafe Inc program or support, that a child or young person has been or is being abused or harmed by any person, they must notify the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer will assist in determining whether the matter needs to be referred to the law enforcement agencies.

A reasonable suspicion or belief may arise, when:

  • a child discloses that he or she has been abused;
  • someone close to a child (e.g., sibling, relative, close friend) discloses abuse on behalf of that child;
  • abuse, or evidence of abuse, is witnessed; or
  • other circumstances to be assessed on their merits under this policy.

The Chief Executive Officer will assess the matter having regard to the applicable legislation and will report or assist the staff member or volunteer to report the matter to the relevant authorities and/or law enforcement agencies.

All staff and volunteers have additional obligations under the Newidafe Inc Code of Conduct and must report any conduct issues including any inappropriate behaviour by other staff or volunteers, observed while working with children and young persons. Matters involving the conduct of staff will be managed by the Senior Management team.

  • Appoint a Child Safety Contact Person to manage all complaints.
  • List the step-by-step process the Child Safety Contact Person will follow when managing complaints
  • List any reporting requirements under the relevant government agencies

Department of Family and Community Services:

5. Training, Support and Supervision of Workers

All staff, affiliates and volunteers who have a reasonable suspicion or belief a child or young person has been or is being abused or harmed by any person must notify, as soon as practicable, the Chief Executive Officer who will assist in determining whether the matter needs to be referred to the law enforcement agencies.

  • We promote respect, fairness, and consideration for all workers
  • All workers have a more senior worker assigned to support and supervise their work
  • All new workers will receive a copy of all child safe policies and procedures and a more senior worker will set up a meeting to discuss the policies and allow the new worker to ask questions and clarify their understanding
  • Child safe is a standing agenda item at meetings and workers are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to the continuous improvement of child safe policies, procedures, and practices in the workplace.

6. Other Legislation, Industry Standards or Internal Policies

  • Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012
  • Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Codes of Conduct
  • Vision, Values and Aims Statement
  • Complaints and allegations policy

7. Communication

  • We will hold regular information sessions for staff, volunteers, and students.
  • Our policy will be discussed during induction sessions for all new staff, volunteers, and students.
  • Children, young persons, and parents joining our program/s will receive a copy of the Policy, Code of Conduct and Dealing with Complaints process.
  • Parents will receive a copy of the Parent’s Guide to Child Protection Issues

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